By Benji - 20/05/2009 19:53 - United Kingdom

Today, I was watching TV with a cup of coffee. My mum asked if I wanted a Mars bar. I said that would be great and she threw one at me, catching me off guard. The Mars bar went straight into my coffee, spilling it over my bare legs. I now have a scald mark on my penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 544
You deserved it 7 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

its not like youll need to be using it, if you still live with your mom

Peanu_theGreat 0


hot water burns through clothes. rofl at #102..... #4 just exactly how do YOU know he is an adult. but damn that really must suck for you man

itsnotmuch 0

Wait, you were drinking your coffee naked with your mom in the room? O_o

lifeislife_fml 0

I proceeded to go to bed after reading this FML.

briana83 0

#65, you "clearly" need to shut up.......

so you were just casually watching tv, drinking coffee and about to eat a mars bar while naked with your mum? i think YDI why on earth would you be naked watchin tv with mum ? :|

84&86 - you need a brain bigger than whatever it is you were creating on your first post to spell underwear correctly.

You should totally turkey slap her for that.