By mumblingdope - 25/05/2016 08:52 - Indonesia - Jakarta

Today, I decided to have a hot cup of coffee. Then I stumbled on a chair and somehow spilled the hot liquid on my privates. The searing pain worked better to wake me up than the coffee itself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 952
You deserved it 1 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

♪♫ The best part of waking up, is Folger's on your junk♪♫

"How do you like your coffee sir?" OP: "I don't care. I'm just going to spill it anyway"


Ouch, sorry OP. Chairs are evil creatures sometimes and can catch us at the wrong times.

AliGInTheHouse 24

Change your method of waking up to that if it works

"How do you like your coffee sir?" OP: "I don't care. I'm just going to spill it anyway"

I should start offering "coffee on your crotch" at the cafe I work at!

Look on the bright side, at least you have some cooked sausage.

A͎t͎ l͎e͎a͎s͎t͎ y͎o͎u͎ w͎o͎k͎e͎ u͎p͎ r͎i͎g͎h͎t͎?

There's always a silver lining, glad you found yours op!

TheyCallMeDamien 17

So does that mean this a cup half full or half empty kind of day?