Thanks, I guess…

By edible - 20/05/2009 20:01 - United States

Today, I surprised my girlfriend by sending her an Edible Arrangement. When she called to tell me she had gotten it, she was more excited about the cute boy who'd delivered it than she was about the fruit bouquet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 549
You deserved it 4 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for getting a company that has cuter delivery guys than you. That's the only possible explanation for someone putting YDI. FYL.

gvschmidt94 0

Sound's like something my ex would do. But this OFFICIALLY allows you to check out other girls :D If she bitches, remind her of this.


Wow, what a girlfriend. = She sounds like she doesn't deserve a lovely edible arrangement from someone as sweet as you sound. :)

fmltotally 0
Jboolia 0

Wow, sounds like a keeper.... fyl for sure.

Either I don't see a #1 or I am blind lol

Dont fight it just go with it. I also agree with #1

YDI for getting a company that has cuter delivery guys than you. That's the only possible explanation for someone putting YDI. FYL.

DUMP THE BITCH AND DONT EVER WASTE MONEY ON HER AGAIN.......sorry for the caprs....just wanted to make my point heard


She's not allowed to look at other guys and say "Oh, he's cute?" I'm sure you look at other women all the time. Relax. Stop freaking out over her calling some guy cute.

Vball6 19

Uh yeah, but she didn't have to talk about it.

Trickiest_K 9

"Oh, you got me a gift. That's cool. Instead of thanking you I'm going to gush about the cute delivery guy!" I'd be pissed too.

gvschmidt94 0

Sound's like something my ex would do. But this OFFICIALLY allows you to check out other girls :D If she bitches, remind her of this.

twilax101 0