By Benji - 20/05/2009 19:53 - United Kingdom

Today, I was watching TV with a cup of coffee. My mum asked if I wanted a Mars bar. I said that would be great and she threw one at me, catching me off guard. The Mars bar went straight into my coffee, spilling it over my bare legs. I now have a scald mark on my penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 544
You deserved it 7 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

its not like youll need to be using it, if you still live with your mom

Peanu_theGreat 0


lostmymind16 0

naked or not.. your mom has an awesome three point shot. lol

etb815 0

why were you watching tv with a cup of coffee naked with your mom in the room?

LaTuaCantante 0

ah hahaha.that sucks really bad.maybe you should learn from this.never hold coffee over yourself.

xxemoteddyxx 0

LMAO #4 That still sucks though. Ow. Guess you're not wearing tight pants for a while.

that_guy321 2

everyone saying that it burns through clothes, it said BARE legs so i must ask, even though many already have, why were you naked in front of your mother? and #4's right...

ParadoxVT 0

Has no one on FML ever heard of boxers? Jesus christ, you all are idiots. I sympathize with you OP.

SurpriseButtseks 0

Maybe this is your mom's way of telling you it's time to move the **** out of her house!

im so happy u just described ur dick. please tell me more in detail