By Damn - 05/06/2012 19:36 - Canada - Saint Catharines

Today, I was trying to take my shirt off. It was an awkward fit, so I had to basically wrestle it for five minutes. The kicker was that I was giving my boyfriend a striptease. He laughed so hard and for so long that we never had sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 598
You deserved it 7 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rei_Ayanami 18

Sometimes a funny memory is better than sex.

Ahh... Laughter truly is the best birth control!


I bet you guys will remember this more in the future than all the times you had sex....little things are sometimes better!

Fishfanatic 7

I thought what made a shirt a shirt... was the fact it has Buttons on it. Which you can undo. If you still have to wrestle with a shirt after undoing the buttons then the shirt IS too small. Nothing to do with having "curves" ( a word used VERY wrongly by far too many overweight women ) or a large chest. Even an obese person should be able to take off a shirt with little difficulty once the front buttons are undone. If by shirt the OP means T shirt, then Again, you shouldn't have to wrestle with it to remove it.

Fishfanatic 7

And as for some clothes being an " awkward" fit? If they are so awkward then don't buy them. There is no logical reason to buy something, that is shaped in a way that makes it difficult to put on and take off. That's just shitty design and not something anyone should willingly pay for.

Nanael_fml 4

Perhaps you should wear clothes that fit

You should have just turned into the Hulk and ripped it off! That's what the Hulk would have done :P

ginglederf 6

I do this everyday when I undress Is that not normal?

I kinda envy your bf, having something so funny to remember is more lasting than some everyday sexy-time =D

Well at least one thing was 'long' & 'hard.'

Can somebody plz tell me what op means?