The art of seduction

By Anonymous - 26/10/2020 19:58

Today, I took a bath and dressed in a skimpy lingerie. I sat on the couch for an hour and a half before giving up and putting on my boyfriend's old t shirt. It was then that he decided to comment. On the t shirt I was wearing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 445
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seeing my wife in one of my shirts is way sexier than some lingerie, though I’d recommend a button-down over a T-shirt. Hope his comment was a sexy one, not a sarcastic one though!

Use your words next time. You have vocal cords for a reason.


Seeing my wife in one of my shirts is way sexier than some lingerie, though I’d recommend a button-down over a T-shirt. Hope his comment was a sexy one, not a sarcastic one though!

Use your words next time. You have vocal cords for a reason.

OP, speaking as just one man - Lingerie is just not that big a deal - Naked is. But actually saying your are in the mood for sex is better still. By the way, men usually like looking at lingerie ads to see the women wearing them - Not for the lingerie.

I had this girlfriend who normally looked pretty good but sometimes she would really put effort in, then she would look like an unbridled disaster. I think it's easy to get the wrong idea regarding what an improvement looks like to another person.