By Anonymous - 18/08/2009 04:38 - United States

Today, I asked my friends what NNAS was code for. They have been using this for about a month. After bothering one of them for a few hours, he finally told me. NNAS stands for Nataly Needs A Shower. I'm Nataly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 502
You deserved it 52 248

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well Nataly you need to shower more. No sympathy from me, there's a guy at my school like that, it's rank and horrible for the people around him

I just think its funny that you put yourself as anonymous and wrote your name in the FML.


Well Nataly you need to shower more. No sympathy from me, there's a guy at my school like that, it's rank and horrible for the people around him

tpag3r 0

i think its obvious that you need to....get different friends who except your stench for what it is

Lolbrittany 0

If you do shower often then ugh that sucks D: Try a little perfume But if you shower every few days or once a week, YDI Most people on this site are 11+ and by the time you're that age you should take notice in this

I knew a kid that only took showers on Saturdays. Something about saving water or something? He got sent home from the most liberal hippie school ever because he smelled so bad. This is a school where half of the kids had dreads, so it had to be pretty bad. Anyway, it's easy enough to fix. Maybe you need some prescription strength deodorant or something too.

LMFAOOOOO. #37 tht was too much. BAHAHA. but word. good hygiene is a must... & yu got what was coming to you for being nosy. you knew it was about yu

Saphia_fml 0
akalisser 0

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I agree that it's a stupid name, but she didn't choose it herself.

#72, perfume doesn't take the oils out of your hair :P

Caitlin is the original spelling, but it's supposed to be pronounced like Kathleen - it's Irish Gaelic.

#95 i have dreadlocks and i certainly am not dirty. How can someone be dirty based on a hair style anyway.

How Can u Call Someone Dirty Because of a Damn Hairstyle i have dreads and im not Dirty, WTF. Ignorance >_>

akalisser 0

#108 That's what I was saying in reference to #72. They stated that just because the half the school had dreadlocks, that it was so bad to send someone home for being dirty. I believe that if anything, most people with dreadlocks are the cleanest (hair wise) because they wash their hair so often.

lifeislife_fml 0

Humorizer, you're an idiot. There is no "correct" spelling for names. Even if there was an original or common spelling, it's still a name. I do think Nataly is an awkward spelling, but just because it's not as common as Natalie doesn't mean it's wrong.

Uh, #72 meant dreads in that it was a hippie school (Rastafarians wear dreads commonly, the pot smoking religion).

Either take a shower or get new friends who don't make fun of you behind your back. Preferably both.

eehizle 0

This is to the retart that thinks that parents misspell names: it's not misspelled if they put it on their birth certificate. You have NO ******* right to judge people based in what their PARENTS, not the f1 generation, name their offspring.

well...did you take a shower yet??(

i know there time consuming and horrible but yeh.. get one be considerate of the other poor ******* around you

Well take a bloody shower every once in a while!

Remember, being clean and smelling good never really hurt anyone.

hurts those sensitive people who hate on anyone's cologne or perfume

You don't have to bathe in a scent to be clean and smell good.

YDI for not showering and for your nick

I just think its funny that you put yourself as anonymous and wrote your name in the FML.

kitty781 0

#6 , I was thinking the EXACT same thing lmao

haha, yeah, I was about to come on here and post the same thing.

Sum_Dum_Bum 0

"Today, I posted an embarrassing post about how I never shower and put myself as anonymous. Then, after submitting it, I realized my name was in the post. FML"

Ever consider that maybe her real name isn't Nataly -_- she could have replaced her name by a different one.

Morty_fml 0

That annoying spelling of your name is more interesting...

AHH I thought I was the only one! Nataly? It's spelled Natalie.

Women are supposed to smell good. I bet you wonder why you don't have a boyfriend, too.

Bullshet 0

And men can just stay stinky, right?

variant is a just euphemism for "that's not how you spell that"

Morty_fml 0

That sums up my thoughts nicely.

just because "it's an old spelling" doesn't mean it's not annoying as hell. don't get mad at us if you're just going to agree lol.