By Damn - 05/06/2012 19:36 - Canada - Saint Catharines

Today, I was trying to take my shirt off. It was an awkward fit, so I had to basically wrestle it for five minutes. The kicker was that I was giving my boyfriend a striptease. He laughed so hard and for so long that we never had sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 598
You deserved it 7 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rei_Ayanami 18

Sometimes a funny memory is better than sex.

Ahh... Laughter truly is the best birth control!


NoxiousNorwegian 5

So, is "awkward fit" the new politically correct term for being asinine enough to buy a piece of clothing that (you ultimately knew yet overlooked for whatever reason) was, let's face it, WAY TOO SMALL..... Maybe you enjoy looking like a 2y.o. Who has gotten their head stuck in a bucket because "it seemed like a food idea at the time."

unknown_user5566 26

It doesn't mean it was too small. I have a couple of "business" dresses that fit me like a glove when they are on, but because I have some curves, they are difficult to get off. Same thing could've happened to OP. Maybe she's just been blessed with a chest that ****-blocks her out of sex sometimes. :)

NoxiousNorwegian 5

Chill folks, it was a joke. I understand all about weird shirts.... And pants for that matter. I was making a funny....

unknown_user5566 26

I posted this underneath another comment already, but so many people are jumping to the conclusion that OP doesn't know how to dress herself, I figured I'd make it an actual comment. Getting clothing stuck does not mean the size is too small. I own a few business-type dresses that don't get stuck when I am getting dressed, and they fit like a glove once they're on. Because I have some curves, I sometimes have a hard time getting them off. Same thing could've happened to OP. Maybe she's just blessed with a chest, and it just ****-blocks her sometimes. :)

Shrouds 14

Giggles all around! See the humor in your situation, don't always have to take yourself so seriously. :)

Any guy I know would be more than willing to assist a female in getting her shirt off if it's a struggle... it's nice he has a sense of humor, but next time tell him you still want the sex.

My boyfriend would be like a motion sensor, lol. He would be helping me out in a second!

1710_fml 0

I know id help you if i was your boyfriend damn

Thanks :) Lmao, he's as persistent as he can be XD

Why do so many women have trouble dressing/undressing themselves?

You either have a great life or a terrible one.

the t shirt has magically morphed into a straight jacket

Joke's on him if he's that easily entertained and missing out on sex..

Aww but it's soo sweet ! . Makes for an awesome memory though.