By anonymous - 08/01/2012 12:24 - United States

Today, I was surprised that my husband suggested we take a shower together to save water. He also suggested we should wear our bathing suits so we don't have to see each others "privates." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 261
You deserved it 4 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're married to him and he's still worried about showing you/seeing your privates?


I didn't know what that meant, so I googled it. I don't think I'll ever be able to get that picture out of my head.

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

72- I feel for you. Over a year ago, I'd guess, many commenters talked about googling blue waffle. There's still a burning hole in my brain...

Tried to ignore the curiousity..... It got the best of me, so I, too, googled it. Even in my psychology of human sexuality and psychology of sexually transmitted diseases I did not see something this horrific! That's some pure NASTY!!! *gag*

crchara 3

blue waffle, almost as bad as red pancake... (I apologize in advance)

FMLsOhilarious 6

#141 I've heard of blue waffle, but not red pancake. Gosh, do I even want to know? *fights the urge to Google what in the blue hell red pancake is* no pun intended btw...

gonaners16 4

Ehhh... I still think blue waffle is worse. Eughhhh.

venomousddog 19

72- I know what you mean once one of my friends flashed a picture of it infront of my eyes I can never un-see the image and I question why he saved the image on his phone

I don't see the function of bathing suits to bathe... It kind of stops one from getting clean. Poor you, no more romance?

69bannanataco 0
KVKdragon 26

If he's this child-like with his wife, how do you think he handles showering in a gym locker-room? :/

Sounds like he wouldn't mind those showers.

crchara 3

he wears his trusty bathing suit again.

kickuwithmyfist 1

I wonder if they always have sex in the dark.

perdix 29

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She could use that wooly bush to exfoliate his back. Like a cooter loofah.

HiddenMonkey 8

Do you not shave your 'private' area? Or did you laugh at, or make fun of his 'private' area?

Take a shower in the dark. You'll save water and electricity and be able to be naked. :)

XxAqwa13xX 6
ishtarfire1 0

Yep, 'cause being gay is the WORST THING EVER, amiright? :/

No. But being married to a gay man is, if you're a woman.

There are lots of heterosexual women who enjoy, even prefer, the company of gay men socially. (They're sometimes referred to with the loathsome term "fag hags".) If the partners in the marriage have created a domestic partnership that works, and they enjoy each others' company, and they're both free by mutual agreement to get their physical needs met outside the marriage...well, it's pretty nontraditional, but I can think of far worse situations for them to be in. I've known some couples like this, and it's worked for them.