By anonymous - 08/01/2012 12:24 - United States

Today, I was surprised that my husband suggested we take a shower together to save water. He also suggested we should wear our bathing suits so we don't have to see each others "privates." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 261
You deserved it 4 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're married to him and he's still worried about showing you/seeing your privates?


At least he didn't also you with his penis.

Well...Did you wear your bathing suit then?

LikeA_PandaBear 4

Maybe you're not attractive or maybe something's wrong with his peepee :)

slutface120169 0

Reminds me of my boyfriend. Fyl though.

Perhaps OPs husband doesn't want to get sexually excited right before he goes to work every day (because stuff is not likely to happen then because of lack of time). Maybe. Just trying to find a -somewhat- likely explanation because I have a hard time picturing any man propose that.

Shove a gerbil up his arse with a tube, that should kick start your sex life :D

Wow when I lived in Virginia it was a conservative state. Sounds like it finally went off the deep end. ;) that's what happens when pat robertson is let loose.

jasony0423 0

I enjoy seeing my wife's "private parts". Is something wrong with me?

Is he the main character in "40 year old virgin"?