By rattledwife666 - 21/01/2017 14:00

Today, when I asked my husband to join me in the shower to "save water", he said, "Let the environment suffer, not me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 475
You deserved it 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He succeeded in being a jerk twice in one short sentence

Aiden89 23

I feel sorry for you OP, If my girl wanted to save water, I wouldn't think twice.


In his defense, it kinda sucks just standing there getting cold waiting for your wife to wash her hair.

Fireant_man 6

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Aiden89 23

I feel sorry for you OP, If my girl wanted to save water, I wouldn't think twice.

He succeeded in being a jerk twice in one short sentence

onceuponatime456 16

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species4872 19

Since when is a witty comeback abuse?

lexiieeex3 32

What kind of man would say that to his wife? That's just horrendous. You didn't deserve that OP.

I prefer to shower alone the water temperature is the first problem then not both can be in the water so someone end s up freezing

themadpeterson 10

Agreed. Shower sex is only good if you're the one under the showerhead.

Okay but showering together isn't just about sex. You should just enjoy being around each other, and appreciate their body. Have sex after.

Wow. What an ass. I hope you told him to remember that line the next time he wants some "personal time" with you.

mariri9206 32

Next time he wants sex, throw this back in his face.