By anonymous - 08/01/2012 12:24 - United States

Today, I was surprised that my husband suggested we take a shower together to save water. He also suggested we should wear our bathing suits so we don't have to see each others "privates." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 261
You deserved it 4 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're married to him and he's still worried about showing you/seeing your privates?


Maybe he has shaved it and doesn't want you to see... Or a gross STD you may see or catch..

MissTimeLord 3

Seriously? Are you sure you're married?

perdix 29

Question. Do you have to cover up your ****, too? Your prudish husband probably counts your **** as privates. Amirite?

Bathing suits in us...yep. If she was in My guess. He's ashamed of his penis for some reason, whether it's small, std or whatever but is for some reason actually trying to conserve water.

Bathing suits in europe cover the upper regions as well, whether it's a full suit or a bikini. The fact that some people choose to sunbathe and/or swim topless doesn't mean our bathing suits have no top.

.....Okay, I assumed a logical and likely reason for this would enter my head by now but I have nothing. Are you two in an ultra-conservative, arranged marriage or something of the like? You even said you were surprised he even asked to shower with you so trying to figure this one out. Well, either way....sorry, fyl I guess?

You obviously never gave him head in the shower lol that might change a lot

bizarre_ftw 21

This is a platonic marriage no? If you have sex it's likely with the lights off and simply to procreate yes? Divorce him or get him into therapy please