By dinosawerr - 05/05/2009 12:42 - United States

Today, I was riding my bike with my parents. They make me wear a helmet when I'm with them. Some college age kids drove past and yelled, "Nice helmet!" My mother then told me, "They like you!" I'm sixteen and my helmet is blue. With flowers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 648
You deserved it 9 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mintfreshpinesol 0

At least you are being safe... I had a friend die because he wasn't wearing a helmet. your parents are smart.

As much as I personally would like a blue helmet with flowers, I understand. I'm a college kid, and I'm willing to risk brain injury than be seen using a helmet on campus.


Without beating the "safety of a helmet" speech (which I agree with incidentally); I assume you are riding a bike paid for by your parents, wearing a helmet paid for by your parents, which are stored in a house paid for by your parents, in which you live (paid for by your parents). I wish I had everything paid for by my parents. And, if they didn't pay for the helmet, and you actually did - then YDDI (You DEFINITELY Deserve It) for choosing 'that' helmet. Anyway, at least some college guys noticed you.

im 15 and dont wear a helmets but it is the law here.

Gatorsh 0

I refuse to see why this is a FML. Helmets keep you safe, and you don't even know the pigs, so why do you care? Buy yourself a new goddamn helmet if you are embarrassed of your old one.

LilKonvicted 0

You deserve it, A)Your 16, you can buy your own helmet cheap-ass B)Why were you riding with your parents.

Jessicuhh 0

i love how everyone is posting one of 3 comments: "buy a new helmet- it's more dumb to have a head injury" "it's stupid, look cool and go against your parents" or something in argument to a comment like one of those. lol. so yeah, that sucks..but buy a different helmet! always wear it! :]

pokandy 0

for everyone that says you would rather risk brain injury than look stupid, that is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard in my life. But if your going to die from tramatic brain injury might as well look cool doing it.

The main factor in preventing bicycling injury is making sure the cars are aware you are there. So the dorkier the helmet the better.

Who cares if it has blue flowers on it? You're 16 buy your own helmet. Last time I checked I'd rather be able to make my own thoughts.