By anx133 - 16/01/2009 01:25 - China

Today, I daringly tried that fish-bath thing, where all these fish come and eat all of your skin's dead cells. I got into it, and after 15 minutes of being a human buffet, at least 20 of the fish died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 529
You deserved it 6 723

Same thing different taste

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I'm guessing you had soap or some kind of lotion on you? For anyone who reads this who is going to try to aforementioned treatment, make sure you're completely neutral.


I'm guessing you had soap or some kind of lotion on you? For anyone who reads this who is going to try to aforementioned treatment, make sure you're completely neutral.

OMG! Is that common? That would give the old ego a shot!

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woah i've never heard of fish bath things before

Oh I've read about those in the paper. Yeah that sucks for you and the fish. Maybe it was a lotion or something?

I actually think that idea is kind of cool because it's different. Huh... I probably wouldn't try it though. I get grossed out easily if I come into contact with something that feels weird.

god damn! the fishes wouldn't even die if i fed them my feet for an hour or so! a serious LOL

Yes, in this case the plural is fish, because they are all of the same species. But just so people are aware, fishes is a word; it just refers to a group different species.