By dinosawerr - 05/05/2009 12:42 - United States

Today, I was riding my bike with my parents. They make me wear a helmet when I'm with them. Some college age kids drove past and yelled, "Nice helmet!" My mother then told me, "They like you!" I'm sixteen and my helmet is blue. With flowers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 648
You deserved it 9 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mintfreshpinesol 0

At least you are being safe... I had a friend die because he wasn't wearing a helmet. your parents are smart.

As much as I personally would like a blue helmet with flowers, I understand. I'm a college kid, and I'm willing to risk brain injury than be seen using a helmet on campus.


_Requi3m 0

You should've bought a new helmet if your flowery blue helmet is that ugly.

f33zy_85 0

hahahahaha that's so funny :D #83, uhhh that's for people w/ anger management issues

I stopped wearing a helmet because the strap blocks your peripheral vision. I was nearly hit by a car going 45mph. But of course, they have their benefits too. Either way, you should at least get a different helmet.

unibrowicorn 0

#83, if the OP did that, she would need to wear the helmet since her extreme anger would probably make her bang her head into the wall as well. Did anyone consider that maybe the OP doesn't ride her/his bike enough to actually make buying a new helmet worth it?...

All of you people on here who say you'd rather risk brain injury than look stupid deserve the brain injury. When it happens you'll understand that drooling and wearing a diaper are much more mortifying. WEAR A HELMET DUMB ASS.

Orockthro 0

Just paint the damn thing a different color then. Or suck it up. If you wear it with confidence no one will question it. God. *eyeroll*

arienh4 0

#35 I actually find you insinuating that people might relate autism to retarded offensive. I'm autistic myself, and it has absolutely nothing to do with retardation. Also, are there actually countries where you have to wear helmets by law until you're 18?

epic_phail 0

I agree with everyone saying "just buy a new helmet" if you're embarrassed by it then get a new one and stop bitching about your parents caring about your saftey.

I then took off my helmet, threw it down and said "THIS IS STUPID" as I was biking away I fell, now I'm in a coma" now THATS an FML

Julle_fml 0

I think it's becoming more and more common to wear helmets. I see people wearing them every single day. - Looks fine to me :)