By dinosawerr - 05/05/2009 12:42 - United States

Today, I was riding my bike with my parents. They make me wear a helmet when I'm with them. Some college age kids drove past and yelled, "Nice helmet!" My mother then told me, "They like you!" I'm sixteen and my helmet is blue. With flowers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 648
You deserved it 9 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mintfreshpinesol 0

At least you are being safe... I had a friend die because he wasn't wearing a helmet. your parents are smart.

As much as I personally would like a blue helmet with flowers, I understand. I'm a college kid, and I'm willing to risk brain injury than be seen using a helmet on campus.


ydi for going on bike rides with your parents when youre sixteen

cute helmet -heart- ;o edit: @ #94. how would they type the FML if they were in a coma? -ponder- XDD jokes ;]

lolololcheese 0

Depends. You say this was your bike? You should have been wearing your own helmet. If you just forgot it because you didn't ride there, then FYL (although I don't see why it wouldn't be hanging from the handlebars where it can't be forgotten). If you don't have one, or didn't bother, then YDI.

I'm judging by your tone that you don't normally wear a helmet. So I don't really pity you, because not wearing a helmet makes you a ******* moron. Get a better looking helmet and wear it, you ******* moron.

Oh no, some random people you'll never see again in your life made fun of your helmet. What a horrible day. Seriously, who the hell is letting these stupid fml wanna-bes through?

zoesterhp 0

Yeah, my dad's a firefighter, and he's told me what happens to people who don't wear helmets (for those who don't know, firefighters get sent out on all types of emergency calls, not just fires). Fine mess of brains needed to be cleaned off the main road of our town when some biker hit a car. He was nearly killed, but he had his helmet on at least. His gf was the one who decided not wear a helmet... ...her breast implants also popped right out of the skin because of the force of her landing. Not too sure what you can do about that, though.

cypglobalthreat 0

hey dipstick, you 16 so you legally HAVE to wear a helmet stupid people piss me of

I always wear a helmet, and I don't think I've ever felt ridiculous or been made to feel ridiculous by other people. I don't get what's uncool about it at all. Granted, I might not want a helmet with flowers on it, but if you care that much, buy a different one. And why is spending quality time with your parents at 16 uncool? Ok, I don't bike with mine, but I don't see how maintaining a healthy family bond is something to mock. And #74, you know, bicycles are technically vehicles, meaning you're not supposed to ride them on sidewalks with pedestrians, at least in the US. And since you're riding on the road with other much faster moving, much more massive vehicles, in a world full of road-raging, stupid people, why the hell wouldn't you wear a helmet. Better safe than sorry, and as far as I'm concerned, that's a big pro with no con.