By dinosawerr - 05/05/2009 12:42 - United States

Today, I was riding my bike with my parents. They make me wear a helmet when I'm with them. Some college age kids drove past and yelled, "Nice helmet!" My mother then told me, "They like you!" I'm sixteen and my helmet is blue. With flowers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 648
You deserved it 9 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mintfreshpinesol 0

At least you are being safe... I had a friend die because he wasn't wearing a helmet. your parents are smart.

As much as I personally would like a blue helmet with flowers, I understand. I'm a college kid, and I'm willing to risk brain injury than be seen using a helmet on campus.


because_im_bored 0

Why would you go on a bike ride with your parents wearing that helmet and then expect people to think you look cool? Seriously, it's about confidence too, people. A simple sarcastic, "I know, right?" would've shown them you don't really care what they think, it's obvious it's not your preference and that they just look dumb for pointing it out. Well, obviously you do care, but like I said, if you cared you shouldn't have gone out in that situation ... Anyways, I think it's more of an FYL that your mom thought they were being nice to you. Naive much? Maybe she was being sarcastic too, though. Haha.

kittycatgirl 0

who cares your never going to see them again

You're a ******* idiot. By yourself a new helmet if it's that truamatic, If a bunch of boys laughing at you and your idiot helmet are the worst of your problems then good, cause it would be a lot worse if you had been riding with a helmet and fallen. Though it's possible you're already brain damaged with the stupidity of your FML. Idiot.

If your self esteem can take a shot from random guys driving by in a car, which you'll never see again, you have bigger problems than a flowery helmet. By the way for those of you who would "risk brain injury" rather than wearing a helmet I suggest you go ahead. I can't imagine you'll contribute much to humanity if that’s how you prioritize

Kira_fml 0

OMGZZZZ UR LYF IS TOTES FUKD! Actually, no, it isn't. Some college kids saw you wearing a helmet? Big ******* deal! Get over it.

its not like you're ever going to see them again. plus chances are if you're bike riding with your parents your not a looker to begin with

This is probably just a municipal law, but in my city minors have to wear helmets, and routinely get tickets for riding without them.

rgje 0

19 stop whining along with everyone else saying i'd rather have a brain injury. you are indeed lacking some brain cells. dumb ass

next time while riding keep the helmet but remove two things to get some positive attention from the guys, your clothes and the seat and make sure to ride over plenty of speed bumps. That should turn some heads. huh? Am i right?

Don't worry about what the college kids say. Even though I (and quite possibly EVERYONE in the late high school / early college age range) would laugh at the sight of a 16 year old riding with his/her parents wearing a blue flower helmet, don't take it to heart. Just get a new helmet and bike by yourself :P.