By dinosawerr - 05/05/2009 12:42 - United States

Today, I was riding my bike with my parents. They make me wear a helmet when I'm with them. Some college age kids drove past and yelled, "Nice helmet!" My mother then told me, "They like you!" I'm sixteen and my helmet is blue. With flowers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 648
You deserved it 9 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mintfreshpinesol 0

At least you are being safe... I had a friend die because he wasn't wearing a helmet. your parents are smart.

As much as I personally would like a blue helmet with flowers, I understand. I'm a college kid, and I'm willing to risk brain injury than be seen using a helmet on campus.


dg72592_fml 0

this would be the time to invest in a new helmet.

DeclareEmergency 0

This is not a f*ck'in 'FML'. My cousin (who I was quite close to) died becuase he wasn't wearing a f*cking helmet! The doctors said he would have lived if he had a helmet on. So stfu, this is rediculous. =O


that's horrible... I'm sorry :( I agree and say that you should get a newww helmet but whateverrr that wasn't nice of them!

I work on a Traumatic Brain Injury floor in a rehab hospital. Trust me, it's much cooler to wear a helmet that it is to have a brain injury. On a weekly basis, I see people admitted to rehab who could have easily prevented their brain injury. They have to relearn how to walk, talk, and think, which is not an easy task after diffuse brain injury! Keep on wearing a helmet!

Common_Sense 0

God forbid your mother actually cares about your safety and well-being. And your life must definately be ****** if a whole group of guys you'll never seen again laughed at you.. Get over yourself and don't come back to this site until you actually have something to bitch about.


Parents who long to embarass their teenage kid: 1 Teenage kid who got embarassed by his parents: 0

just get a helmet without flowers lol. it's better to wear one than to die just because you didn't wear it

if those guys were lame enough to shout out a rude comment about a helmet then.. they are not worth your embarrassment :)

long story short, my brother was rear ended off his bike 2 years ago into the rear-window of the car in front of him, splitting his skull and almost killing him. I had a car run a stop-sign and caused me to go over my handle-bars headfirst into a concrete-sidewalk. even with a helmet, I was unconscious for 25min and had a wicked concussion and headache. if that's with a'd have to be F*#king retarded or pathetically insecure not to wear one.

ItsNotTheTime 0

So don't go ride a bike with your parents. #175, maybe you and your brother shouldnt be such dumb asses. I've ridden a bike without a helmet plenty of times and have yet to get owned.