By snickerdoodles - 10/02/2010 21:19 - United States

Today, I was in class and noticed that it smelled strongly of cat urine. I smelled my shoulder and realized that my cat had peed on my sweater. I had six hours of classes left, and the smell had permeated my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 822
You deserved it 6 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was going to make a stripping comment, then I saw it was by snickerdoodles. I vomitted in my mouth briefly. FML.

JoshTheMaggot 8

yeah Sirin is obviously takin a jab at snickerdoodles who is definitely a grammar Nazi. ahaha as for the op YDI for being snickerdoodles


it's a sweater... most people wear a shirt under sweaters so why don't ya just take it off? :)

Shonnygrl 8

this happened to me back when I was in elementary. so gross :(

That happened to me as well. Don't worry!

Train your cat better, OP. That's the simple solution.

that's when I would leave school, at least you have an excuse.

bleedingglitter 24

A stray cat started peeing outside my door once and I slipped into my garden shoes that were on my porch to take out my trash. When I came back into the house I kept smelling cat pee and it took me like an hour to realize the smell was coming from my socks because the asshole peed on my shoes.