By snickerdoodles - 10/02/2010 21:19 - United States

Today, I was in class and noticed that it smelled strongly of cat urine. I smelled my shoulder and realized that my cat had peed on my sweater. I had six hours of classes left, and the smell had permeated my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 822
You deserved it 6 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was going to make a stripping comment, then I saw it was by snickerdoodles. I vomitted in my mouth briefly. FML.

JoshTheMaggot 8

yeah Sirin is obviously takin a jab at snickerdoodles who is definitely a grammar Nazi. ahaha as for the op YDI for being snickerdoodles


kelleyb323 0

YDI for obviously keeping your sweater on the floor where your cat can pee on it.

Wow, don't worry, you aren't the only one! Back in grade school on Halloween one of my many cats decided to give me a 'trick' too.

I used to have a cat, the thing to do is:Don't touch your cat at all before school. Then, you won't have any problems involving your cat.

Oh, and just to let you know, Shane Dawson reads this shit and thinks its hilarious. He even reenacts it. Thank God he doesn't say the names of these ppl.

CLITTER DICK!!! Could be the next lol.-Shane Dawson saying.

monalisa777 0

Wow! Seriously? it took you that long to smell it most people can smell it before they even put it on. you should get your nose checked lol


trumpetGIRL12345 0

well that's what u get when you correct everyones grammar I'll talk the I wanna

Moo_Horse 0

tht happened to me once but it was just my jacket

didn't you have a lunchbreak where you could switch clothes?