By Leash - 23/10/2009 04:22 - United States

Today, I was walking down the street in downtown Charleston where there are a lot of horse-drawn carriage tours and I decided to pick up some litter. Some of it was in a puddle of water, but after I picked up the trash, I realized the puddle was horse urine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 207
You deserved it 9 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turnip_Girl 0

Why would you pick up wet rubbish, anyway? There's a fine line between 'doing a good deed' and 'being a dumbass'.

Good on you for picking up litter. Need more people like you. Sorry about the urine.


Ouch, Maybe you should have checked first... (although there is no way to see)... Did you disinfect your hand afterwards?

Turnip_Girl 0

Why would you pick up wet rubbish, anyway? There's a fine line between 'doing a good deed' and 'being a dumbass'.

Yeah WTF, who puts their hand in a puddle to pick up garbage? Today some freak put his hand in my piss looking for treasure FHL "NNeeiigghhhh gallop gallop gallop."

quarty165 0

wow, some people are so weird...

it coulda been SC too, considering that Charleston WV doesnt have hardly any horse drawn carages

bawpo 2

And notice how it says "south Carolina" -_-

Good on you for picking up litter. Need more people like you. Sorry about the urine.

if nobody asked for a voulantare, don't voulantere.

How hard is it to check a dictionary or google a word?

About as hard as it is to make sure that the word you misspelled the first time around is spelled the same the second time you use it?

haha. stupid horse-drawn carriages. they always cause traffic jams and shit all over the road.

They don't cause traffic jams in downtown chas. They pretty much go the speed limit and if not it's easy to get around them. Unless you get stuck behind them on S or N market. Now the guys with the rickshaw things get in the way, even though they're pretty But I mean seriously, if there's a whole puddle of pee, how did you not SMELL that?

MiniatureMayhem 0

This is one of those instances where I'm glad the OP put that extra detail, or everyone would be like, "Where the hell did the horse pee come from?"

No good deed goes unpunished, right?