By snowlover - 16/02/2014 07:37 - United States - Fremont

Today, I was driving through the mountains and there was a chain requirement. I went to put them on and found a note where my chains used to be saying, "Have fun in a blizzard now bitch" from my ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 737
You deserved it 6 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glad he's your ex. What a dick! FYL indeed.

I almost never say damage someone else's vehicle...... But in this case a few dead fish in the trunk of his/her car is the best revenge.


Glad he's your ex. What a dick! FYL indeed.

friedpwnadge 25

That's theft and he obviously intended to endanger you, get the cops on that pathetic man-child.

frizz101 22

He also left a note that basically said he took them. Even the most brain dead lawyer can get him a couple years in jail.

Clearly he's the dumped and can't take it like a man . What an immature child . OP's ex going to jail for a certain amount of time for property damage is justice enough , in my opinion .

nurchok 15

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CallMeMcFeelii 13

Guys, you're missing the point! He wrote "Have fun in a blizzard now, bitch" so obviously he just wants OP to be free and have fun! Geez, all these stand up guys are totally misunderstood..

nurchok 15

OP, when your ex left a note saying "Hey, I've tried to kill you," you should reply with "Challenge accepted!" and report him...

Gget him a few years in jail? Murder? Really? Lol #21,#23,#33, I don't think either of you were legal trained. One track minded rednecks with unrealistic and overzealous expectations. Worst he can be done for is theft - which let's face it; monetary fine? "Have fun in the blizzard" could be manipulated to different viewpoints. For instance: the message could imply he wants to make her travels difficult (not a crime), or that he wants her to enjoy the snow (not a crime), or that he wants to disadvantage her by stealing her chains (crime). Who says his intent is murder? Most people would be able to call for help or they'd have winter clothes in their car.

#52 I love how no one understands your sarcasm.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

I think they caught on now, haha. It's a hit or miss it seems. Comments like yours seem necessary(sadly) for people to even get the joke. Good on you, 57, you understood it without someone explaining it, haha.

I'm pretty sure, the "bitch" at the end makes it pretty clear what the intentions of the theft were (ie: purely malicious).

People need to calm down with this attempted murder stuff. She just can't drive in the snow, cutting her breaks would be attempted murder.

"Today, I stole my exes snow chains right before she went driving through the mountains, leaving a note that said, "Have fun with the blizzard, bitch." She took the note to the police and now I'm off to court. FML."

yesrod 4

Take a chain to his or her face

As pissed as I'd be if something like this happened to me, I think that your suggestion is just a little over the top. I would stick with property damage. Much more passive-aggressive.

joeyl2008 29

I guess you are no longer the ol' ball and chain.

lenalee96 22

That's horrible. You should go and get them back. And slash his tired while you're at it.

joeyl2008 29

Slash his tires indeed, but only 3 of them, if you slash all 4 his insurance will cover it, if you slash only 3 he'll have to pay everything from his own pocket. ;)

13-- you seem to know this really well. I am going to assume you are an insurance adjuster.

Or, ya know, call the police and report ex for theft.

Police: "Hello what is your problem?" OP:"Yes, my ex boyfriend stole my tire chains." Police: *static* Stolen tire chains are the least of worries for most police departments. They have bigger problems usually. They are not going to start an investigation or be on the lookout for something like a tire chain.

sohigh10 34

that's not the point. The bitch stole something from him. It's their job to impose the consequences of stealing on her.

Lil_Red777 21

@79 OP is the female and her ex boyfriend stole her shit. Ever try actually reading?

crazytwinsmom 25

79's name explains their confusion.

@47 Try telling that the the thousands of lesbians and bisexuals happily in a relationship with another female.

Lesbian? Of course OP is not a lesbian I'm just replying to the comment

The majority of people in the world are straight. So we assume op is straight just like anything else.

I almost never say damage someone else's vehicle...... But in this case a few dead fish in the trunk of his/her car is the best revenge.

RpiesSPIES 27

Or one inside each of his hubcaps ;D That '70s Show style

Or melted Limburger cheese on top of his engine.

MsMourningStar 22

I find it amusing that people are assuming the sex of the person one way or another right away because of the use of the word bitch. I hope you're okay OP, that is very dangerous and your ex is an asshole, whether they're a male or a female.

ThatFancyPenn 18

I am fairly certain that it's a make because OP's gender is female.

jazzy_123 20

it probably isn't showing you but I can see that it clearly says OP is female...

MsMourningStar 22

I was talking about the ex. And I cannot see that OP is a female on my phone.

Your point? How does the gender of OP determine the gender her ex? Jumping to conclusions isn't good for intelligent thought

If a female tells me "my ex did this" I'm going to think her ex is a guy. If a dude tells me "my ex did this" I'm going to think its a female. It has nothing to do with the word choice of "bitch" by OPs ex. Critical thinking and reasoning, a dying skill set.

I swear to god, everything becomes gender issued or biased on this app.

#92: Don't forget the "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong" tangent!

#48, what if they're not straight? I'm female, but I'm more likely to date a woman.

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You put chains on your tires in snowy or icy road conditions.

The chains are for making driving in snowy/icy conditions safer. It gives you more control of your vehicle. (They go on the wheels.) Just look up "Snow chains for cars" on Google.

buttcramp 21

thanks. I'm from Houston so this FML didn't make much sense to me either. I agree with posts above saying to tell the police.