By snowman - 06/02/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, right before a huge snowstorm hit our area, I broke up with my girlfriend. In her fury, she decided to grab my car keys and roll down all four windows in my car. I now have 2 feet of half melted snow in my backseat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 010
You deserved it 11 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iEmily 0

Just clean the snow out and do something to her car. Your life isn't ******.

I would rather have two feet of snow in my car rather than her!


randomdude1234 0

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iEmily 0

Just clean the snow out and do something to her car. Your life isn't ******.

two feet of snow is a lot. plus the seats will take a while to dry. and all that moisture could seep down cause corrosion and wiring problems. she's officially a bitch.

2 feet of snow is about 3 inches of rain..

npk88 0 an open area a small space such as a car...2 feet of snow melted down would be more than 3 inches. And three inches of water in your car is still really bad for it!

nadsm 0

Hopefully you didn't have any important papers or electronics in there. Besides that, it's just water... No big deal.

toeknee33 0

this isn't really a fml situation. it'll be over in like a couple of days. stop whining

ash92_fml 0

well what is an fml situation? a car full of snow is pretty fml i think. what do you have to have cancer to say 'fml'? chillll!

Wow. I definitely don't think YDI, but dang, your girlfriend WINS.

startafire 0

Haha, your girlfriend is awesome. Wish I could've done that to my ex.

Agreed. This is hilarious. i'd like to try this on someone at work.

Malinkrot 3

All the people saying "YDI" are probably bratty little girls like you who listen to too much crappy "country" music about psycho women getting revenge on their ex's by destroying their stuff.

I would rather have two feet of snow in my car rather than her!

cookies_for_you 0

Why didn't you just go and shut your windows? Seriously. YDI.

newsgit 0

because he didn't know. FYL. People may pull the "you shoulda known she'd do this" card, but that never makes it YDI. BTW, does she still have your car keys?