By Puff301 - 01/01/2016 23:25 - Australia - Tuggerah

Today, while on a flight, I was walking back to my seat after going to the bathroom, when someone stuck their leg out, causing me to trip and fall flat on my face. All the guy could say was, "There's a thing called glasses. Fucking use them!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 543
You deserved it 1 586

Puff301 tells us more.

Hey guys, OP here. It was an overnight flight so they had the lights off, but I could still see the outline of objects and he definitely moved right before he tripped me. And my eyesight is fine. I just can't believe this got posted

Top comments

You should reply with " There's a thing called manners! Use them."

Oh, ****, he's one of the optometrists' agents! They're out there, and their douchieness is funded by scumbags who want to raise public awareness of eyeglasses. Not many people are willing to admit it, but the eye in the illuminati logo has terrible vision and is in cahoots with optometrists everywhere! People, if you read this and aren't mindless sheep, throw down your glasses in rebellion against the forces that would have you dependent on them!


friedpwnadge 25

1. Commandeer a vehicle and run him over repeatedly. When he protests, say "There's a thing called glasses. ******* use them!". 2. ???? 3. Profit.

Hahaha. Cards Against Humanity jokes. Good one #9!!

You should reply with " There's a thing called manners! Use them."

*"OOOOO"'s summon from the surrounding passengers*

mariri9206 32

No, they should have replied "I went to get some but they were saving the last pair for you." There's no way he wouldn't have seen them coming, especially since it seems that he did it at the last minute and they wouldn't have had to time to see it and pick up their feet to avoid his leg.

LiteralxShit 15

Okay then, good for you, #51

Trip him with your leg the next time he gets up. See how he likes it.

NomeDMF 17

Nah. That's what karma is for.

tantanpanda 26

Seeing as how OP has to pass his seat on the way back from the restroom, I don't think your plan would work.

He is the same guys who suggested using a f***ing condom to previous FML lady.

I was thinking the same . And there is another one whose Dad should have pulled out early!

racheldeanne12 15

Were you even wearing glasses? Why does he think you can't see?

Should have told the flight attendant that you saw him with a gun earlier. That would have gotten him. Lol

IridianShadow 20

I sure hope there's such a thing called Karma.

There's a thing called idiocy. Clearly he's the definition of it.

PePziNL 20

"Look up the word idiot in the dictionary, you know what you'll find?" "A picture of me?" "No! The definition of the word idiot, which you ******* are!"