By OH COME ON - 29/12/2011 15:48 - United States

Today, I texted my boyfriend on the way to the hospital to tell him I needed stitches, after my brother's dog bit me on the breast. His response? "Pics or it didn't happen." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 753
You deserved it 5 551

Same thing different taste


Text? Does no one actually CALL anyone anymore?

every1luvsboners 11

With the whole "anxiety" issue plaguing the world no one wants to get THAT personal.

Don't worry Doc I'll send you a telegram.

flockz 19

*dusts off rotary phone* doc, what's your code again?

He just needed proof, but didn't know how to ask otherwise! But that's a rather unfortunate area to be bit in...

Yeah, imagine how excited the doctor is, though. Male or female... I for sure would bounce and jiggle with joy.

hateevryone 14

he's a damn jerk. if he really want proof, he should go to the hospital & see for himself.