By mrsfantastic - 12/09/2010 14:02 - United Kingdom

Today, I was recovering from an operation. After I felt better, I checked my phone. There were 35 missed calls and angry text messages from my boyfriend asking why I wasn't at his house to cook his dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 581
You deserved it 6 502

Same thing different taste

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yeahthatsrite 0

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Tasanasanta 0

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LightningLadyy 0

It's possible it was a joke... but I agree. Why would he call 35 times AND text several times if it was a joke?

Tasanasanta 0

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RadAtThis01 0

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yeahthatsrite 0

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KingDingALing 9

Wow... 54 is upset because people thread-jacked her post... this is her female... Today, some people thread jacked my post just so they could be at the top. Now I'm crying about it. FML Big ******* deal. Get over it

Always the same reactions... "Dump him". just make him cook his own ******* meal. so he'd realise it isn't that easy to cook. what an asshole.

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p3rfect_ins4nity 0

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j5p332 6

the dude can make his own food or go to ******* McDonalds.. there is no excuse for that behavior

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xBrinnyBrutalx 0
PanteraRules 0

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Where better to recover than behind the oven? XD jokes

mshoes12346 3

wow 7 that is offensive to all women... including me so f off, she shudve told him she got an operation, but he has no right to be a douche because he doesn't know how to cook

zakkyzebra 11

129, offensive to all women like you? no. you are the select few women that are stupider than a post

Uhm, how about him just making his own freaking meal if she wasn't there??

agreee. if a guy dont treat u right dump his ass

she shouldve cookes him dinner bedore the operation and left it in the fridge so he could warm it up. damn these women who dont know their roles in the kitchen. by all means work make money but you still gotta cook and clean its your job. like mowing the lawn or fixing things around the house is a mans job.

Finish him!!!!!! As in dump him :) Or cook him the best meal ever then dump him lol he'll be sorry then! ;)

zendaddy0 0

129 can you speak up and improve your grammar I'm too busy working to pay for all your shit

Sun_Kissed18 25

Mhm, there is no reason anyone should put up with that kind of abuse

randomtroll 0

why the **** was she out of the kitchen. do I need to use my pimp hand

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can't they just go to Italy, then ? :P

Yeah because the UK doesn't have Dominos, pizza hut, pizza express and local takeout chains. Idiot. Op's boyfriend deserves to starve if he can't A. cook for himself or B. order in, and C. show no concern for girlfriend. I'm assuming she told him about the op ofc...

Tasanasanta 0

Way to take a joke 130! :D Now why don't you get off that high horse and join the rest of us!

wow...the guy has to learn to make his own meals.

he should know how to cook. if you go way back it has always been the males responsibility to provide for the female :)

Ya but that doesn't mean they were suppose to cook.

I thought the males hunted animals and the females cooked them.

there was no cooking they just ate the raw meat

dsbs 9

102 exactly. Op your boyfriend isn't going to eat raw mallards is he?


it's about time you dump that asshole.

Yeah, what he said, but you probably deserve it for spoiling him or dating a brat in the first place. He has no right to pitch a fit and be so spoiled, as if you're some 1940s house slave type skivvy wife... in fact, you guys are not even married so you ydi for giving too much to someone who is just a boyfriend... stop being used!

I agree wit 8, it's your fault for making him think he can act like a ******* baby

Phoenix1023 3

ScrabbleB I wish u were my skivvy wife

I_have_no_clue 0

there's a reason why kfc or pizza hut or mcdonalds was invented jerk boyfriend