By OH COME ON - 29/12/2011 15:48 - United States

Today, I texted my boyfriend on the way to the hospital to tell him I needed stitches, after my brother's dog bit me on the breast. His response? "Pics or it didn't happen." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 752
You deserved it 5 551

Same thing different taste


You should get someone to punch him in the face... Then tell him to take a picture to prove that it happened...

Wow that bites. Hope you get well soon.

Leave him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, he's one of the biggest duches!

Haha ... Sorry to hear that OP but his response is hilarious

He's trying to keep you in stitches. Just ignore his biting remark.

He just wants an excuse for you're send him a pic of your boobs