
By Anonymous - 28/04/2021 02:00

Today, I'm getting divorced because I found out that my husband of 17 years cheated on me when I was pregnant, all 3 times. He also had a year-long relationship with another woman, but, "it doesn't count because she knew I wasn't going to leave you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 345
You deserved it 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well look up divorce lawyers and find one who is a woman and sit back and watch her take him to the cleaners

That guy must have amazing time management skills. I can't imagine maintaining a wife, 3 kids, job, and and multiple affairs.


That guy must have amazing time management skills. I can't imagine maintaining a wife, 3 kids, job, and and multiple affairs.

bleachedraven 14

Well look up divorce lawyers and find one who is a woman and sit back and watch her take him to the cleaners

Lydmyers 9

I'm glad you are divorcing him. especially considering that he decided to seek comfort in some else while you were at your most vulnerable. It shows the kind of person he is - obviously not a good one, so it would be best for you and the kids to move on from that walking hot mess.

We don’t know if he didn’t care for op when she needed it.

Congrats on the courage to leave him 💗

randybryant799 20

I'm glad you're divorcing him. I'm sorry you have to go through that.