By tessisue - 04/01/2016 11:18 - Germany

Today, I visited the hospital with my boyfriend to have an injury checked. When the doctor removed the band-aid, my boyfriend started screaming and passed out. I had to get him out of the room using a wheelchair. The "injury" is a cut in his finger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 870
You deserved it 2 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatguy240 27

Band-aids dont fix bullet holes.


Those cuts on the finger always surprisingly hurt a lot

This is true. My brother collapsed and was rushed to the hospital after cutting his finger.

I bet he runs away while you kill the spiders in your bedroom too..

I think it might be time to get a new boyfriend haha

disasterlydeed 26

Little overdramatic here, are we? Who breaks up with their SO over a papercut?

We can assume you don't have long lasting relationships if you figure breaking up with someone over something so minor is reasonable. :)

Cuts can be painful, and some people just have different reactions to blood, cuts etc. You sound like a good girlfriend! Good luck to OP and boyfriend.

How does he react when you tell him you're on your period?

Probably quarantines her and hides in his pillow fort

Ok, why did you take him to the ER for a cut? The ER is for emergencies. Does he not have a primary care doctor? Was this something needing stitches? This needs follow up...

If they went to the ER I'd say it was a cut that was worthy of the trip.

I once had a cut on my finger that required stitches. It happens.

Surely there are minor injury units or doctor's practices that can do stitches? I wouldn't say that requires a trip to a+e.

Agreed, it was nothing a little rubbing alcohol and super glue couldn't fix.

@ throttle, did you actually see the cut?

She said it was a "cut in his finger" which led me to believe that the finger wasn't hanging off or missing parts. I have fixed many cuts with alcohol and super glue, even some that probably needed stitches (duct tape or a good band aid over the glue helps there.) The scars are visible, but minimal.

Ok, so I love the convo this started. Here's my thinking- Where I live, we have 4 hospitals, and at least 10 prompt care facilities. Not to mention more doctors than you could ever need. If you are not dying, then you don't need to go to the ER. Heart attack, stroke, dismemberment... Sure. Otherwise you go to prompt care. These facilities opened because people go to the ER with non life threatening injuries and cause huge wait times... If OP felt that her SO was being a pansy because he yelled/fainted when they took his bandaid off- then he was not dying. Plus it said bandaid. That doesn't exactly make you think this is a serious injury.

It does not say anything about going to the ER. Maybe they where at a hospital to make sure the wound was healing properly?

No one said anything about the ER. Check the FML again.

It never once said they went to the ER in the fml, there are different wings is hospitals to go for injuries that dont need the immediate attention of doctors

The accident that led to the injury happened at work. The insurance in our job makes it necessary to visit a hospital if enough blood is involved.

Hospital must mean something different in Germany than it does in the US... You can't just pop in and see a doc here without going through triage... Aka, the ER. I do hope he is feeling better!!