By OH COME ON - 29/12/2011 15:48 - United States

Today, I texted my boyfriend on the way to the hospital to tell him I needed stitches, after my brother's dog bit me on the breast. His response? "Pics or it didn't happen." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 752
You deserved it 5 551

Same thing different taste


Is anyone else laughing at the fact that he's a 9Gagger? Haha loved it :)

Hm, Considering that would seem like something important enough to make phone call over not a darn text I think I would say the same thing. Because if my boyfriend sent a text and text of all things saying I'm going to the hosptil for any reason, I would wonder what the hell. I would think that it was possible he is drunk or just joking around.

lucyinthesky420 10
kphippie 0
KiddNYC1O 20

Send me a pic of the one the bitch didn't bite.

YDI for expecting him to believe you without proof.

I love when the OP's usernames reflect the FML, like how this one is "OH COME ON" which is most likely the OP's reaction. But OP that is a little funny..but also a little frustrating...good luck at the doctors or hospital..

daylife 7

ya, i moderated this one! why didn't you tell him to get his unbelieving a*s over there and see for himself?

kristac123 0

Hahaha!! Did he get the pics? Lmfao