By anonymous - 05/01/2013 16:16 - United States

By anonymous - 05/01/2013 16:16 - United States
By Shrekkk - 02/07/2019 06:14
By Bluetooth Connection - 01/10/2018 03:00
By someoneneedsassistance - 24/04/2015 15:07 - United States - Woodford
By Anonymous - 21/10/2013 19:07 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 14/06/2014 21:32 - United States - Grand Prairie
By ConfusedDad - 29/12/2013 07:01 - United States
By acnecream - 03/05/2013 13:23 - Finland - Kinnulanlahti
By Embarrassed - 11/02/2009 01:46 - United States
By Ryan - 01/09/2022 21:00 - Canada - Quesnel
By Anonymous - 12/09/2014 13:17 - United States - Fort Myers
ya dun goofed
Consequences will never be the same!
Don't worry guys, I've notified the CyberPolice.
I've backtrraced the address too! on a sidenote, is that little girl still online or did she learn her lesson?
Apparently she's a boy now.
May I ask what girl we are talking about?
Notifying the cyber police of what? What little girl? And who left this banana on my desk? All this and more, next time on: The Internet! No but seriously, can someone explain? :O
Nevermind, the memories came back to me. I understand it all now. Watching that video again and laughing my ass off.
Well what kind of **** was it
It was Siri going "Oh yes, please, more, you sexy beast. MORE!"
I'm pretty sure even if it was the most ****** up stuff in the world Op wouldn't have left his phone in long enough for them to find out.. It'd just be the usual screaming or something, maybe a little dirty talk but I doubt it was all "SHIT ON MY FACE AND RAPE ME." That would be pretty awkward.
22 Pfft that's a light conversation. Totally not awkward at all! /sarcasm..
Animal ****?
"There is an awful lot of moaning, humming and farting." "it's called **** step dad, crank up the base."
Air plane noises?
Can you blame me I am an 18 year old lesbian I watch ****
Does anyone really care about your age or sexuality?
It was cake farts.
I could stand to hear a little more.
Hey tourettesguy, isn't iPorn masturbation?
@#40 **** step? Is that like dubstep mashed up with fluffertrax?
71: What are you trying to do, advertise yourself? xD Nobody on here particularly cares about your age, sexuality or ****-viewing habits. You don't see many guys going "What **** was it? I'm a 20 year old heterosexual man! I watch **** :3" do you?
hi 128. I am a 18 year old heterosexual male. I watch ****, do you?
@19: Siri is male in the UK (where I am, not the op) *grabs the mind bleach*
I'm wondering what the hell is going on in your profile picture, 2
19- Siri you naughty, naughty girl.... ;D
Haha no just said that to see the reaction I am plenty taken
136) You forgot the ":3"
It's hard rock that makes you rock hard! Hehe
I seriously live in fear about that happening
Then close out of your apps! Or whatever the Android folks call them...
111-totally agree on that one.. I was wondering if this kind of thing happens to anyone but LOL I guess it does
For your sake I hope it wasn't tentacle ****....
Ursula and The Kraken tag teaming Ariel.... Hawt!
11, he's taking about Hentai
Rape **** would have been bad too
Nothing wrong with hentai.
I take it #118 that you like to jack it to Ariel getting tag teamed?
Or maybe he just doesn't kink shame.
The Little Mermaid isn't even anime.
Jurassic pork!
Oh I hope it was a good **** and bowchickawow
Please, no.
^Not sure if making **** noises or what not.
At least you don't have some weird fetish, otherwise it would sound really ****** up.
Who says he doesn't have some weird fetish?
Is there a such thing as a fetish that is not weird?
Well just say it starts with **** as a joke and gets into the song, unless you're a bad liar and now you are a horny lying bastard..
Great idea! Lemme grab my time machine so we can go back a few days ago to when this actually happened so we can change it.
Op probably should have kept it on and started singing to it
At least it wasn't really bad music. Honestly, I'd be less concerned if a family member watched **** as opposed to listening to Cher Lloyd.
Or Coldplay
Yes, especially Coldplay *shudders*
No Justin bieber is worse
How could any of you have forgotten Nickelback? Nickelback is definitely the worst out of all of these.
This could finally answer their question of "Is our son gay?"
Unless it was gay ****
58. That would still answer the question.
at least you'll have a quiet car ride now.
It's hard rock that makes you rock hard! Hehe
For your sake I hope it wasn't tentacle ****....