By Embarrassed - 11/02/2009 01:46 - United States

Today, I was in the car with a group of my girl friends discussing sexual experiences when I looked down and realized my Blackberry had dialed the family I babysit for and had left a five minute voicemail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 212
You deserved it 17 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

will3232 3

Well if its that sensitive why would you call It stupid

lol those damn phones. i have one, that stupid scroll ball can be pretty sensitive.


oooooo...kinda deserved that...but I'll give you the ******.

you should have pressed star, it'll dlete your message and bring you to the voicemail menu! problem solved :)

fuckcollege 0

lol that reminds me of that blackberry commercial with the buttdialing

lol those damn phones. i have one, that stupid scroll ball can be pretty sensitive.

will3232 3

Well if its that sensitive why would you call It stupid

MCart_fml 0

Learn that button/screen lock, it is your friend! When did smartphones start getting designed without some form of cover built in? Gotta love the FMLs that we get from them though!

Actually there is a way to delete a message while you're on the phone. What you do is wait for a few minutes and let it go until it can't record anymore and it'll say "Press (x) to erase message." Of course it's already too late.

If I were you I'd never show up again in their house.

my dad phantom dials me from time to time. i'll answer the phone and just hear the radio and car sounds. oh dad, you so silly!

svsockerguy 0

You do know that if you what until the time limit for the message you can delete it right?

hahahaha i guess you won't be baby sitting anytime soon