By Ash - 27/05/2009 03:08 - United States

Today, I saw this tourist almost get hit by a cab. After he walked away I complained to my boyfriend about how idiotic people like him just deserve to die. After 5 blocks of my ranting the tourist turns around and says "I'm right in front of you bitch." I hid behind my laughing boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 502
You deserved it 88 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Holy crap, you ranted for five blocks? About how he deserved to *die*?! Anger issues much?

ManiMartinixo 0


ManiMartinixo 0

FIve blocks?! FIVE blocks? Wow, YDI times a million.

OP you sound like a bitch and I feel bad for your boyfriend.

You should have replied "Good, I don't have to repeat myself then."

R3TH0R 0

you deserve that for ranting about it; next time just go "damn people not paying attention" or some shit like that and move on. also, its not really an FYL since all he did was call you a bitch, is it really that bad?

Holy crap, you ranted for five blocks? About how he deserved to *die*?! Anger issues much?

I wonder what else you think people deserve to die for. Shit.

Probably thinks her boyfriend should die for laughing at her experience.

People that make mistakes deserve to die? Oh, okay.

that'll teach u not to be a bitch... you really deserved that one