By Ash - 27/05/2009 03:08 - United States

Today, I saw this tourist almost get hit by a cab. After he walked away I complained to my boyfriend about how idiotic people like him just deserve to die. After 5 blocks of my ranting the tourist turns around and says "I'm right in front of you bitch." I hid behind my laughing boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 501
You deserved it 88 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Holy crap, you ranted for five blocks? About how he deserved to *die*?! Anger issues much?

ManiMartinixo 0


5 blocks, really? your boyfriend was laughing because you deserved it, and i bet he was really glad you'd finally shut up about it!

jasey_rae 0

well, then dumb bitches like you deserve to die. and your boyfriend must be a saint to date someone like you.

Today, I was walking and thinking about some really personal stuff. A car almost hit me and I felt real bad because I then thought how terrible it would be if I suddenly died and my kids were all left with my wife. What's worse was that there was this bitch that ranted about how I deserved to DIE right behind me. She followed me for 5 blocks. FML

YDI - For ranting first of all, but then for FIVE blocks?! You've got issues. Get thee to a psychologist pronto.

you're the idiot for a. not seeing him b. actually talking about it in the first place c. talking about it for so long. if i were teh tourist, i would've waited five blocks to turn around too. stoo-pid.

If you live in NYC, no big deal, they expect this. Anywhere else, YDI. Watch your mouth. Whatever happened to people being having manners for the sake of being good people and not to get something out of it?

how could you even say that he needed to die? i mean, what the hell is your problem. if i were him, i would have slapped your ass instead of calling you a bitch. YDI YDI YDI YDI

LifeSux19 0

You're an idiot, and you deserved it. I was hoping towards the end you had got hit by a car so that way you learn to keep your mouth close...obiviously you didn't, but you still deserved it.

My best friend lost his life to a drunk driver, it's not always the pedestrian's fault. Learn something in life you dumb bitch. You just pissed me off to no end, if I saw you, I swear I would not hesitate to hurt you.