By Anonymous - 27/05/2009 01:09 - United States

Today, at exactly midnight, I get a text from my boyfriend saying we were done. I had just seen him 4 hours ago when we were out celebrating my birthday, and asked why he didnt just tell me then. He replies 'I couldn't break up with you on your birthday but i wanted it to be over ASAP' FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 748
You deserved it 3 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ouch that sucks bad :( good point at not breaking up with you on ur bday though =O

It bites, but at least he tried to be nice about it.


ouch that sucks bad :( good point at not breaking up with you on ur bday though =O

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ryguy997 0

what are you #2 a donkey sucking chain pot smoking STD riddled flea bitten toddler raping **** watching hooker hiring pussy licking mother ******* fag?

Well at least he was thoughtful enough not to break up with the op her birthday

It bites, but at least he tried to be nice about it.

wth #2 how she deserve it?! you poor thing :( your ex bf was a loser by the sounds of it.

Just because he dumped her doesn't make him a loser. If anything he was nice about not ruining her birthday


#2....please go burn in hell. OP- that sucks, but it was just a tiny bit nice that he waited, though he shouldn't have done that. At least you had fun during your birthday while it lasted. BTW, I'm glad none of the FML's today used the word "proceeded" :D

Darth_Taco 14

Number 2, how does she deserve this? That was a pussy move. If you're going to leave someone, have the balls to leave them in person. I'm sorry that happened. Oh well, at least you can go out and find someone else now. Why did he has to leave you so quickly though? Sorry to say it, but it sounds like he was cheating on you. I hope not. Just in case, you should probably go get yourself tested for STDs, even if you used condoms or had limited sexual contact. Regardless, I'm sorry.

every one should get STD tests after or before every sexual relationship. I would be more concerned why he wanted it over asap

damn it @6, you just did. unforgivable

#2 Are you the boyfriend or do you know the OP personally and dislike them? Because that was a pointless comment, to the OP-FYL sorry :/

shaunaaaa 0

i agree about #2 go get a life, it isnt funny but poor you, anyways :( hope youre okay