By Ash - 27/05/2009 03:08 - United States

Today, I saw this tourist almost get hit by a cab. After he walked away I complained to my boyfriend about how idiotic people like him just deserve to die. After 5 blocks of my ranting the tourist turns around and says "I'm right in front of you bitch." I hid behind my laughing boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 501
You deserved it 88 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Holy crap, you ranted for five blocks? About how he deserved to *die*?! Anger issues much?

ManiMartinixo 0


kawaiimomo 0

YDI for being a bitch. get over yourself!

YDI. First of all, the guy just made a mistake, unfortunately some people actually die from this mistake, but this guy was lucky enough to keep his life. You, however, wished that he had, which is bad enough in itself. BUT you then have nothing better to do for 5 blocks then to talk about it. Weak move little girl

corpsegrinder_fml 0

you deserved it. accidents happen

Many tourists are idiots though, but you should of realized he was right there. YDI

How was the tourist still walking in front of you after you drove 5 blocks away?

noshitsherlock 0

and THAT's what you get for being STUPID. Too many people on this site are just plain STUPID, instead of just being unlucky.

Satoyuki 0

Idiotic people like you deserve to die. I'm gonna go walk five blocks and rant about it.

sunshiiiineXD 0

Do you have faulty vision? I'd assume that something like that would be quite obvious. YDI.

You're a bitch . It's the idiots like you that deserve to die .