By Anonymous - 14/12/2013 18:50

Today, I lost my virginity to my boyfriend. As he came, he yelled "FIRST, BITCHES!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 918
You deserved it 9 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that's why you make the bastard wait lol

raininginseattle 9

Ask him "why do all the guys yell that?"


BrittNic0le 9

Maybe he was celebrating that he "came" first. Some men can be so competitive. ;p

hunts19ketchup 23

And who would he be competing with? His girlfriend? That's actually NOT how sex is supposed to work...

Sorry about that. But the comeback you wanted there was, "No you're second. And tell (guy's best friend, father, whatever) to take care of his herpes"

Tell him to dress up as a dime for Halloween next year and come second for a change.

skipper2009 18

Wow you must feel so great right now.

CyberGothic 16

I that turd gets a second chance then you two deserve each other.

Think of it this way. Sure that was an insensitive and dumb thing to do, but at least later in life when you get over it (which you will) you'll have an interesting story to tell. Rest assured that while teenage boys do a lot of dumb and insensitive things, they generally don't mean to me hurtful, and will eventually learn to be better when they are adults.

skittyskatbrat 19

Proper response "And my next boyfriend will get to give me my first ******."