Trad life is great

By a…… - 16/06/2023 22:00 - Argentina - Buenos Aires

Today, I realised I hate my life. I’m 17, married to a selfish douchebag, raising twin babies with him when I should be studying or hanging out with friends like a normal teenager, all because he “doesn’t like how condoms feel” and he couldn’t pull out in time. Oh, and I didn’t even cum that night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 470
You deserved it 2 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thinman12345 16

So you had sex without protection. What did you expect, a free TV.

Battousai124 8

If you listen to that kind of bullshit excuse, it's on you. I am sorry.


Battousai124 8

If you listen to that kind of bullshit excuse, it's on you. I am sorry.

thinman12345 16

So you had sex without protection. What did you expect, a free TV.

Now that sounds like a program I can get behind.

turnabouttrial 21

Shame on anyone saying YDI. You & countless other young women don't deserve to have your lives forever made worse because of a mistake you made as a child. More likely than not, he took advantage of your kindness & your very valid fear of what would happen if you rejected him. Coercion, regardless of intent, is coercion. OP, I hope he is doing his part in helping you through this.

He's an idiot, she's an idiot. Stop trying to put all the blame on him.

Well, he's the one who said he'd pull out and didn't, which OP did not consent to. (By the way, to everyone who isn't aware: The pull out method doesn't work.) He should be charged.

OP says "he couldn’t pull out in time" not that he didn't attempt to. So once again we have someone trying to place all the blame on him when they are both to blame.

It’s called CHOICES. There is other options…..ABSTINENCE, ADOPTION, for those who support it, ABORTION. When you aren’t mentally mature to have sex, then don’t have sex. Make adult decisions then live life as an adult. Stop crying and grow up babes.

I'm sad that your kids are doomed to become idiots. With both parents being morons, and stupidity being a dominant gene, it's a long shot that you'll end up with anything other than a pair of jokers.

OP, you know they have birth control available for women as well, right?

Where was your responsibility in this? If your having sex be responsible enough to get some birth control.

Tisinlovewithme 2

and whose fault is this exactly? both of you are idiots, stop acting like the victim, you deserve this shit. i feel bad for your kids.

booitsmishhh 1

Birth control is never 100%, but used with condoms the effectiveness is greater, but there’s always a risk of getting pregnant. You never know what a person is really like until you have kids with them, and unfortunately that’s just the truth. Happened to me. You live and you learn.

So you intentionally had unprotected sex knowing the risks and now you're upset about the consequences? No sympathy here. Also, not sure how you can get married at 17 unless your parents gave consent, in which case, they probably have the thought of "lie in the bed you made."