By Anonymous - 14/12/2013 18:50

Today, I lost my virginity to my boyfriend. As he came, he yelled "FIRST, BITCHES!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 918
You deserved it 9 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that's why you make the bastard wait lol

raininginseattle 9

Ask him "why do all the guys yell that?"


You should have yelled back "Not my last, Bitches"!!!

ErwinsWife 5

My husband didn't do that after we got married, sounds like you have a little boy on your hands. It's not that serious. Lol.

I don't know if this is really funny or just extremely sad! I hope that he was just playing around when he yelled that.

Vaginabutter 15

One of my friends dared me to yell "I'm a mermaid" lol

victorcaulfield 3

May this be a lifelong lesson for you. Don't date assholes.