By Anonymous - 14/12/2013 18:50

Today, I lost my virginity to my boyfriend. As he came, he yelled "FIRST, BITCHES!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 918
You deserved it 9 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that's why you make the bastard wait lol

raininginseattle 9

Ask him "why do all the guys yell that?"


Ahahah XD I think he's funny and it could've been much worse than that.

frizz101 22

I have to say OP that's not the way you want to remember losing your virginity. On the other hand it shouldn't ruin your relationship, you must love him, otherwise you wouldn't have lost your virginity. Just tell him that if he is gonna treat sex like a game that there will be no more sex until he grows up a bit.

That's the best love story I've ever heard lol

Ow damn thats not how your first time is supposed to "end" im sorry OP :/

timss4 19

Your first boyfriend... You deserve it for being so easy so young

by any chance is your boyfriend's name jesse pinkman?

Smdh...what a shame! You shouldn't have given "your cookies" to that dude for the first time up. You deserved a more mature guy for a way better experience!

This is why you don't date guys like that. Or wait, to see if he's truly an ass or not. I've been with the same guy for about a year and a half, and we've done nothing like that and we're just fine, so you don't need sex or anything. Waiting is almost always the best thing to do, it seems.

Depends what age you are, if younger than 18 you should wait at least 6 months. But you never know what the guy is truly like until you have sex. Trust me, guys are a lot different than what you expect after sex.

What are you talking about? That's normal...