By Anonymous - 04/12/2011 23:52 - United States

Today, I heard vibrating from inside my husband's desk drawer. Since he's away for the weekend, I investigated. I found an unfamiliar cellphone with an inbound call. I answered it. Turns out, it was his mistress. Neither of us can get a hold of him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 143
You deserved it 3 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hbcbmx 5

Change the locks while hes gone ;)

geod69 8

Probably with his other mistress


That's because he is the mistress. I dunno, some people make jacking off exciting...

why would he have a mistress?! some people...

Why do I always grin at these? If I was her I'd be sharpening my chain saw, not laughing.

Maybe he went to go die like scum like that should

conholio33 28

So sorry OP why not change the locks while hes gone that will shock him when he cant get back into the house

The solution is simple... 1. Enter the settings of the phone to find the phone number. 2. Pay a transvestite hooker ( from Craigslist) (one whom specifically has herpiganasifilaids) to request a meet with the husband under false pretenses ( perhaps as a friend of the mistress) in a poorly lit motel 6 economy suite. Specifically instruct the prostitute that the male would like this video taped and is into domination and bondage (and that the safeword is "enter wife's name here") Meanwhile, the wife would log into the husband's Facebook account change the status to "single" and post that he is no longer into tacos (include the link to the life motel 6 camera feed). Easy enough.

mom2pen 4

I want you to plan my revenge when I get back at my cheating ex.

Sorry to be the dumb one but what's a mistress :$

FreezeeMonsta 19

a mistress is like "The other woman"!