By Catscratch - 01/09/2009 18:51 - United States

Today, I walked into the kitchen and saw a note my roomate posted. As I got close to read it I was attacked by a very pissed off cat. The note said "Left window open last night, stray cat got in. Watch out he isn't friendly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 479
You deserved it 3 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Leave him a note saying, "Hey, man, I left the door open and a rather large homosexual man came in. Careful. He's a bit TOO friendly," and have a huge guy come out of the corner right then.

Gingerly 0

Are you retarded? Stray and Feral cats can be really mean, they'll attack the shit out of you if they feel threatened.


Cats are all pure innocent cuddly creatures that would never do such a thing without provocation, YDI.

thealliance 0


Most wouldn't, a few would. My cat wouldn't but my aunt had an INSANE cat. It jumped off the bookshelf onto her back digging his claws in all the way down her back, and she needed stitches.

Not all cats are pure innocent cuddly creatures that would never do such a thing without provocation!! omg dude seriously.

That's true, but why would this guy /not/ be upset if he got attacked by a cat that he didn't know was even in the house, and just happened not to be friendly?

Gingerly 0

Are you retarded? Stray and Feral cats can be really mean, they'll attack the shit out of you if they feel threatened.

lolinternet, you are a ******* shit head, cats suck dick, so **** you

TwinTurbo57 0

BS. The stray cat in my neighborhood would beg to differ

no they wouldn't, but as far as cats are concerned, "provocation" could just be you getting too close

Damn that sucks. make sure it doesn't give you infections

the_stereotype 0

i don't know what they're called, but you light fire on poop and leave it at the doorstep. do something like that but leave a note saying, "here's some crap on fire. watch out, it's not clean."

JustCallMeCloud 0

The guy was his roommate meaning they share the same room and house. How would leaving a burning bag of poo in front of your own door be a good way to get back at him?

Leave him a note saying, "Hey, man, I left the door open and a rather large homosexual man came in. Careful. He's a bit TOO friendly," and have a huge guy come out of the corner right then.

Thank you. I didn't think that was that good, but thanks.

What if the room mate is gay though? I still think that's hilarious though, "I left the door open and a rather large homosexual man came in" - I don't know why, but that part in particular kills me.

Then he may enjoy the prospect of it, until they get down to business and he realizes "large" didn't refer to the man's height. ;) PINK SOCK.

I swear someone complimented me before #20. I wasn't thanking myself. XD

screwtaylor 0

You edited your post to sound like mine! No fair. >:O