By explainer - 08/11/2011 17:54 - South Africa

Today, I had to explain to my girlfriend why it is inappropriate for her to go skinny dipping with her male friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 272
You deserved it 7 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you have to explain that she's probably too young for you bro


I went skinny dipping last summer with my boyfriend and his best guy friend, and it didn't feel weird at all. There was nothing to it, it felt natural and liberating to be that way. We're all just animals when it comes down to it. There wasn't anything sexual about it at all. Granted, my boyfriend actually trusts me and his friend, and at one point we were even in the water by ourselves just talking. I'm also an art student, so nudity is something I'm very comfortable with because I'm exposed to it very often for our studies. When you actually get over yourself and your insecurities, it becomes a very relaxing activity to take part in with other people. I feel like it's how we were meant to be if we weren't so hung up on "nudity=sex" all the time. Oh well, maybe that's just how we are up here in Canada, where the boys aren't afraid of a little cold water! ; )

Yes, and I've skinny dipped alone with him too before. I guess it's just the boundaries in this particular relationship. You need to have a lot of trust in that other person.

Hey dumbass, that might relate to the current situation IF HE'D BEEN WITH HER. Read the goddamned post.

heartcloud_fml 3

So how does a bathing suit protect you from any of these diseases? Bathing suits still let all the water through, so unless all your orifices or cuts are covered by some sort of impenetrable dry suit, then you're still going to get these diseases.

"What's the fuss? It's not like it's dangerous, we just go skinny dipping in my friend's spa for goodness sake!"

perdix 29

You don't need to worry about the activities for girlfriend tells you about. It's the ones that she's NOT telling you about that should worry you. Heh-heh-heh.

SmittyJA24 26

She doesn't want to be your "girl-friend". Really. She doesn't.

mylifesucks9770 0

I know how you feel bro I get jealous just when my girl talks to other guys.. not overly jealous that it would show tho

I'm on the fence on this one. I mean, I'd get quite jealous if my some guys got to see my gf naked. But, it's not like they had sex right? I'd be only worried if it was a one on one skinny dipping session..

Skinny dipping was really the problem, it was the afterwards gang bang I could see being the issue... Unless your a Watcher :)