By explainer - 08/11/2011 17:54 - South Africa

Today, I had to explain to my girlfriend why it is inappropriate for her to go skinny dipping with her male friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 272
You deserved it 7 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you have to explain that she's probably too young for you bro


Dear OP, If your explanation fell on deaf ears... time to move on. Hope this was clarified to a mutual understanding/agreement; FYL :-

If her judgment is that poor then you need to bail before the inevitable happens. You won't be able to say you weren't warned.

That actually happens in more relationships than you think. There's an ongoing debate between people on whether skinny dipping with the opposite sex is cheating.

stfu_bam 5

I don't see the problem. So she skinny dips with her friends who happen to be of the opposite gender, if she loves you and is faithful who cares? And by all means, you go skinny dipping with some female friends and if she says anything just bring it up to her. Or if you truly feel so insecure about her and her male friends I think it's time to move on to someone who is willing to give up their life to make YOU happy (won't ever happen) so your best bet is shut up and get over it or go skinny dipping with her & friends (if you aren't shy) to keep an eye out.

why? as long as there is no touching and she comes home to you at the end of the day whats the problem? inless you dont have trust in your relationship. my husband goes to the booby bars at least once a month and i dont care cause i am secure in our relationship and trust him.

Should have explained it to her while in a hot tub full of girls you know.

waitnobodycares 6

It's sad that in our society, so many people seem to be seeing that as acceptable behavior. He is most certainly NOT being a control freak by thinking it is unacceptable for his girlfriend to be hanging around with other men naked. It is also not an issue of trust on either or their parts. This boils down to modesty and respect for the other person in the relationship, which seems to have been lost throughout the years.

^ This! Too many idiots on here who thinks OP is just an inconsiderate person. I mean seriously?? Most DECENT people would find this extremely wrong.