By Imrickar - 30/04/2011 05:06 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my girlfriend why being with a girl while being with me is cheating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 183
You deserved it 7 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, really sucks for you, man. Cheating is cheating, no matter how you wrap it up and put a bow on it. Best you just dump her, she seems far too thick in the head to understand much anyways.


ImaWiseGuy 5

yea it's cheating, but it's a lot better then her ******* some least that's how I would view the situation.....

He probably just wants you to be happy, so if your bi, then you can enjoy yourself fully.

i would be hurt if my girlfriend cheated on me with either a guy or girl. but i guess a girl would hurt less. i guess cuz a guy isnt inserting any body part and filling her up with guy juice

I'm still unsure if the gf cheated on him with a girl or they were having a hypothetical convo about it and she just couldn't understand! I guess either way, FYL!

I agree with 1. Unless the girl throws it down better than you

in the name of charley sheen. winning lol

sourgirl101 28

I knew a guy that didn't have a problem with his girlfriend seeing a girl on the side because it seemed like the ultimate fantasy "at first". Then he became a paranoid mess. "Are you sure you and Natalie are only going shopping together!?" Needless to say, they didn't last. I think that some guys wouldn't see a problem because many can separate sex and love. I personally can't.(:

GeneralGreivous3 0

some people just don't have common sense.

Everday 0

dude that happened to me too! she said "I honestly didn't think it was cheating" 

brokemysoul 0

Ask her what she would think if you went with a guy. See if she thinks that's cheating.

Stargenx 6

op just can't see the forest through the trees....

Seriously that's kind of a no brained. It may not seem as serious, but it still hurts plenty. Sometimes I think girls Overlook that the guy in the relationship might have feelings too.

GeneralGreivous3 0

some people lack common sense. :|

u must be gay shoulda shot for a 3some she sounds open to it

jennifer93 0

that doesn't make him gay!! smh

forestqueenie 0

Dude you're missing out on a MAJOR OPPORTUNITY... lol Jk dude... kinda... that sucks though... shoulda just broken up with her... doesn't matter how long you've been together if she didn't know that imagine what else she's been doing!

igorwn 3

Ok guys, not everyone wants to have threesomes. Many people don't want to share their partner with someone else, even in that setting. It would not be ok for OP's girlfriend to just go off and cheat, even if it's with another woman. The first replier said maybe she wanted to turn OP on, but that's doubtful since OP is obviously opposed to the idea.

zombieheartsbrai 0

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Did you not read it right? It doesn't say op's a guy or girl anywhere. stfu

She likes getting some from two people at once... I say you use that to your advantage.

KiddNYC1O 20

I'd take advantage of the situation, then part ways. Just saying.

NacRat 0

I second this one. She should have seen if you were open to it first before being with the girl. cause having 2 chicks is better than no chicks.

BaskenRobin 2

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OP, really sucks for you, man. Cheating is cheating, no matter how you wrap it up and put a bow on it. Best you just dump her, she seems far too thick in the head to understand much anyways.

stfuitscindeeeh9 3
texaschick48 1

I'm glad you realize that this is wrong. I agree with you one hundred percent!