By explainer - 08/11/2011 17:54 - South Africa

Today, I had to explain to my girlfriend why it is inappropriate for her to go skinny dipping with her male friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 272
You deserved it 7 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you have to explain that she's probably too young for you bro


hoodyNOT2shoes 0

Honestly I don't know if u should be worried or not!

If she's hot I'd just deal with her stupidity. Is she hot?

Don't be dumb,she's ******* other people. Most likely more then one,and more then one at a time. Ditch her ass.

Valy_fml 5

Dude that sux you shouldn't have to explain that to your girl, if she wanted a relationship she should of stop that! You have a bad gf bro:(

Is it still called skinny dipping if OP's GF is fat?

Nagasel 0

Break up with her right now, it's not worth it.

I commented earlier that there isn't anything inherently wrong with skinny dipping. However, if OP has previously asked his gf to stop and she hasn't, then there's a problem. Essentially, it a comes down to trust in the relationship.

Rager258 0
Spandexabc 3

Someone Has Insecurity Issues.