By anonymous - 27/01/2010 20:33 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my boyfriend that the reason I don't want to stay overnight at his house is because I still occasionally wet the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 937
You deserved it 8 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iheartyoux96 0

its not OP's fault, some people really cant control it...


sarcdude 3

Awwwww poor you :( I mean that sincerely

Dcdoughnutz 0

it's all in your head just don't think about it

Dcdoughnutz 0

if your boy friend dump you hit me up

It's an emotional trigger Something is wrong with his life, and he does not know how to express it, so it comes out in pee at night You should try to talk with him about what is going on. That might help it stop

that's kinda cute... and nobodys perfect anyway

i hav a diaper fetish :) i think you know what im thinking...

It is OK you are not the only one. I do once in like 1-2 years but its because I am such a heavy sleeper that if I have to go, I dream that I wake up and go to the bathroom and thus - wet bed.

ya!!!it has happened to me too!!:D although i havn't wet my bed in my dreams for a long time now,i still have days where i dream i am up and kicking and geting ready to go to college after the alarm,but am still a sleep in actuality. . .-_-

367bri879 0

if ur boyfriend isn't understanding then dump his ass!!!! and I would just wait it out and if it doesn't change then I would get help