By anonymous - 27/01/2010 20:33 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my boyfriend that the reason I don't want to stay overnight at his house is because I still occasionally wet the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 937
You deserved it 8 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iheartyoux96 0

its not OP's fault, some people really cant control it...


This happened to me hahaha but I passed out and I was really drunk hahaha I pissed and threw up allnover myself hahaha I ges it was a good night ... Hahaha but yea don't trip be should understand...

Whats that... OH sounds like a personal problem to me!!

lilbyrd43 0

sooooooo...what happened after you told him R-Kelly?

WickedAngel 0

I used to have the same problem. Kegel exercises helped alot.

jcpt1984 0

Please get checked! I know someone who wet the bed at the age of 25 (it was a one-time occurrence) and turned out to be diabetic. It could be a whole number of things, but it's definitely not normal and if you haven't already, see a doctor to see what's wrong.