Clean your room

By disgusted - 18/05/2023 12:00

Today, I told my boyfriend he needed to wash his sheets more often after I discovered the same wet spot from the last time I slept over. He shrugged and said, “What’s the big deal babe? It’s your spot.” It’s been over two weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 777
You deserved it 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

its not wet per say. its a white stain. much like your cum stains ours leaves a residue aswell

Take his spot. It's amazing how fast sheets can get cleaned when he has to sleep on his wet puddle.


How can it still be wet after 2 weeks! Are you sure it's the same wet spot? You should just refuse and find another man that's disgusting.

its not wet per say. its a white stain. much like your cum stains ours leaves a residue aswell

Take his spot. It's amazing how fast sheets can get cleaned when he has to sleep on his wet puddle.