By BoredRunner42 - 07/09/2009 06:33 - United States

Today, I had a great time with a girl I liked. I asked her out and she said yes. She also said she cuts herself and if I ever broke up with her, I'll be responsible for her death. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 629
You deserved it 6 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sun_Kissed18 25

Break up with her right there! Thats so unfair for her to just put all of that pressure on you


comadank 0

let me tell you to get the f@@@@ away from her now far far away before she really turns psycho on you trust me

OP, all that says is that you should just help her. easier said than done though.

So...if you ever decide that you don't like her just act like a total douche nozzle nd make her dump you

katers4life 0

Well u sure know how to pick em :) good luck with that HA!

She's just a stupid emo kid looking for attention. Tell her you're not going to feel sorry for her unless she starts caring about herself, and explain how it's not fair to you to be threatened into staying in the relationship. Do all this using pictures and small words she can understand. xD

Dude, this is the chance for the greatest sex ever! Just tell her if she wants to keep you around, she has to do everything you say in bed.

LemonFairy 0

Holy crap you win at life. (And just so everyone knows, the real "Tara" - since she doesn't actually exists as she portrays her fics, and she's the most epic troll ever - is actually incredible intelligent and witty. Heck, the fact that she incorporated LotR as one of the MI characters just shows that. XD Yes, I did have a convo with her.)